Associate Director, Communication and Marketing
Lynette Maan

The heart-driven writer of the Southern Pastures websites and person behind the lens of almost all of the photos seen and marketed in conjunction with Southern Pastures and our 10 Star Certification Program. Lynette has been with Southern Pastures since inception.
Lynette oversees the 10 Star Certified Program and liaises with AsureQuality, the independent certification assurance body. Lynette is responsible for corporate communications, social responsibility, all marketing aspects of Southern Pastures and the oversight of the beekeeping and honey business.
Growing up on a Kiwifruit and flower orchard in the Bay of Plenty, she has been involved with the Foundation Group (Foundation Securities (NZ) Limited and Foundation Capital Limited) since 2006. Previously holding marketing, banking, and administration roles with Prudential Assurance, McCaughan Dyson Capel Cure (NZ) Limited and Westpac in New Zealand, and with Bankers Trust in London.
Lynette is on a crusade to bring honesty, integrity and provenance to food lovers.